Tools and Resources
Utilize our variety of resources to help you develop your Seizure Action Plan and to make sure you are seizure-safe!
View a variety of Seizure Action Plan (SAP) examples to find the right one to keep you safe during a seizure emergency. SAPs are available in several languages.
Find educational videos and resources for school nurses and school personnel.
Back to School Checklist. Review our checklist and resources to make sure your child has everything they need to keep them safe in an educational setting.
Webinars to get educated about Seizure Action Plans, Rescue Medications and Talking to your Doctor. Testimonials from Patients and Families with SAPs, and More!
Epilepsy Alliance America and the Epilepsy Foundation offer a variety of demonstrations and resources on rescue medications.
Find a list and links to current scientific publications that discuss the importance of seizure action plans.
Learn about needs in the epilepsy community regarding Seizure Action Plan from our 2021 survey, which took place during SAP Awareness Week!
View a variety of helpful resources produced by our sponsors.
Download posters for seizure awareness, preparedness, and response. Available in multiple translations.
This interactive, fillable PDF resource has been created to support families as they begin to work through long‐term adult care planning for their loved one with a rare epilepsy. It can guide you through some of the challenges families face as their loved one ages into adulthood.