Educational Webinars and Video Testimonials:

Get educated about Seizure Action Plans, Rescue Medications, Talking to your Doctor, Hear from Families with SAPs, and More!

Why I have a Seizure Action Plan: Dara
Epilepsy Alliance America

Why we have a Seizure Action Plan for our Child with Epilepsy – A Mother’s Perspective
Epilepsy Alliance America

Seizure Rescue Therapies – Access Child Neurology
Child Neurology Foundation

What’s a Seizure Action Plan?
Epilepsy Alliance America

Seizure Response and First Aid – General Tonic Clonic Seizures
Epilepsy Alliance America

What is a Seizure Action Plan?  Why Phil has a Seizure Action Plan
Provided by Sail 4 Epilepsy and filmed on the Atlantic Ocean

What’s a Seizure Action Plan?
Epilepsy Foundation

Joint Virtual Town Hall – Rescue Meds, Seizure Tracker and Future Glimpse at Forecasting Seizure Risk
Co-sponsored by TSC Alliance and Seizure Tracker

A Physician’s Perspective:  A Back to School Seizure Preparedness Checklist
Epilepsy Alliance America

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation

Tess Research Foundation

Epilepsy Foundation

Epilepsy Alliance America

DEE-P Connections

Rescue Meds in Severe Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies (DEEs)

4-part video series

Co-sponsored by DEE-P Connections & LGS Foundation

Time for Us to Talk about Seizures and Rescue Therapies

Below you will find a series of SEVEN videos from Time to Talk about Seizures and Rescue Therapies